Getting User input

Table of Contents

String input

  • use gets method to get a string input from user
  • by default, a newline character marks the end of user input
    • known as input record separator, it is defined by Ruby special variable $/
  • the record separator is also part of the string thus received
  • to remove the record separator from string, use the chomp method
    • chomp also uses the special variable $/ as default
>> msg = gets
Good morning!
=> "Good morning!\n"

>> msg = gets.chomp
Good morning!
=> "Good morning!"
  • To let user know what kind of input is being expected, display a message before using gets
  • To keep the cursor on same line as message displayed, use print method instead of puts
    • there are other differences as well between print and puts, see documentation for details
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

print 'Hi there! What is your name? '
usr_name = gets.chomp
print 'And your favorite color is? '
usr_color = gets.chomp

puts "\n#{usr_name}, I like the #{usr_color} color too :)"

A sample run of the above script

$ ./user_input_str.rb
Hi there! What is your name? learnbyexample
And your favorite color is? blue

learnbyexample, I like the blue color too :)

Further Reading

Changing record separator

  • by changing $/ value
>> $/ = ';'
=> ";"

>> foo = gets
=> "hello\nworld;"

>> foo.chomp
=> "hello\nworld"
  • or, pass the string as sep argument of gets method
    • by default, sep uses the value of $/ variable
    • default valued argument is explained in Methods chapter
>> baz = gets(sep='END')
how are you?
cya tomorrow.END
=> "hi\nhow are you?\ncya tomorrow.END"

>> baz.chomp(separator='END')
=> "hi\nhow are you?\ncya tomorrow."


  • gets first tries to read from files specified by command-line arguments passed to the script
    • command-line arguments will be covered in more detail later
  • only if no file has been passed, gets reads from standard input
  • if a script accepts files as command-line arguments and user input is also required, use STDIN.gets to read from standard input
$ # notice how the two lines 1 and 2 are read
$ # instead of waiting for user input
$ ./user_input_str.rb <(seq 2)
Hi there! What is your name? And your favorite color is? 
1, I like the 2 color too :)

Converting string to other data types

  • String class has handy methods to change strings to other data types
  • for ex: to_i and to_f to get Integer and Floating point values
    • these methods ignore any whitespace characters at start of input string
    • characters after first Integer/Floating values are ignored as well
    • if there are no numbers or if a non-whitespace character occurs before a number, 0 is returned
>> gets.to_i
=> 42
>> gets.to_i
=> 2

>> gets.to_f
=> 3.14
>> gets.to_f
=> 53500.0

>> gets.to_i
=> 0
>> gets.to_i
=> 0
  • One can also use Integer and Float methods provided by Kernel module
    • Note that these are different from classes of same name
  • These are more strict - only whitespace is allowed around the number present in the input string
>> Integer(gets)
=> 42

>> Integer('12c')
Traceback (most recent call last):
        3: from /usr/local/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
        2: from (irb):2
        1: from (irb):2:in `Integer'
ArgumentError (invalid value for Integer(): "12c")
>> '12c'.to_i
=> 12

>> Float("\t 4.12 \n ")
=> 4.12

# converting numbers from another base
>> '0b100'.to_i(base=2)
=> 4
>> Integer('0b100')
=> 4

Further Reading

results matching ""

    No results matching ""