1) Variables and Print 2) Functions 3) Control structures 4) Arrays 5) File 6) Text processing 7) Misc
- For some questions, Ruby program with
statements is provided to automatically test your solution in the exercise_files directory - You can also solve these exercises on repl.it, with an option to submit them for review
- or use gitter group chat for discussion
1) Variables and Print
Q1a) Ask user information, for ex: name
, department
, college
etc and display them using print function
# Sample of how program might ask user input and display output afterwards
$ ./usr_ip.rb
Please provide the following details
Enter your name: learnbyexample
Enter your department: ECE
Enter your college: PSG Tech
Name : learnbyexample
Department : ECE
College : PSG Tech
2) Functions
Q2a) Write a function to return length of integer numbers
>> len_int(962306349871524124750813401378124)
=> 33
>> len_int(+42)
=> 2
>> len_int(-42)
=> 2
# len_int('a') should give
TypeError (provide only integer input)
Q2b) Compare if two strings are same irrespective of case
>> str_cmp('nice', 'nice')
=> true
>> str_cmp('how', 'who')
=> false
>> str_cmp('GoOd DaY', 'gOOd dAy')
=> true
>> str_cmp('foo', 'food')
=> false
Q2c) Compare if two strings are anagrams (assume input consists of ASCII alphabets only)
>> str_anagram('god', 'Dog')
=> true
>> str_anagram('beat', 'table')
=> false
>> str_anagram('Tap', 'paT')
=> true
>> str_anagram('beat', 'abet')
=> true
>> str_anagram('seat', 'teal')
=> false
Q2d) Write a function to return corresponding integer or floating-point number for given number/string input
# number input
>> num(3)
=> 3
>> num(0x1f)
=> 31
>> num(3.32)
=> 3.32
# string input
>> num('123')
=> 123
>> num('-78')
=> -78
>> num(" 42 \n ")
=> 42
>> num('3.14')
=> 3.14
>> num('3.982e5')
=> 398200.0
>> s = '56'
=> "56"
>> num(s) + 44
=> 100
Raise exception if input is not valid or if the input cannot be converted to a number
# num(['1', '2.3'])
TypeError (not a valid input)
# num('foo')
ArgumentError (could not convert string to int or float)
3) Control structures
Q3a) Write a function that returns
- 'Good' for numbers divisible by 7
- 'Food' for numbers divisible by 6
- 'Universe' for numbers divisible by 42
- 'Oops' for all other numbers
- Only one output, divisible by 42 takes precedence
>> six_by_seven(66)
=> "Food"
>> six_by_seven(13)
=> "Oops"
>> six_by_seven(42)
=> "Universe"
>> six_by_seven(14)
=> "Good"
>> six_by_seven(84)
=> "Universe"
>> six_by_seven(235432)
=> "Oops"
bonus: use a loop to print number and corresponding string for numbers 1 to 100
1 Oops
2 Oops
3 Oops
4 Oops
5 Oops
6 Food
7 Good
41 Oops
42 Universe
98 Good
99 Oops
100 Oops
Q3b) Write a function that
- accepts two integers
- for all integers in the range defined by them, find all numbers that are simultaneously palindromes in decimal, binary and octal representations - for example, 585 is palindrome in all three representations
- return the result as array of arrays
- first array should contain pairs of decimal and binary numbers
- second array should contain groups of decimal, binary and octal numbers
>> num_palindrome(6, 20)
=> [[["7", "111"], ["9", "1001"]], [["7", "111", "7"], ["9", "1001", "11"]]]
>> num_palindrome(300, 600)
=> [[["313", "100111001"], ["585", "1001001001"]], [["585", "1001001001", "1111"]]]
4) Arrays
Q4a) Write a function that returns product of all numbers of an array/range
>> product([1, 4, 21])
=> 84
>> product([-4, 2.3e12, 77.23, 982, 0b101])
=> -3.48863356e+18
>> product([-3, 11, 2])
=> -66
>> product([8, 300])
=> 2400
>> product([234, 121, 23, 945, 0])
=> 0
>> product(1..5)
=> 120
Q4b) Write a function that returns nth lowest of an array/string. Return the lowest if second argument is not specified
Note that duplicates shouldn't affect determining nth lowest
>> nums = [42, 23421341, 234.2e3, 21, 232, 12312, -2343]
=> [42, 23421341, 234200.0, 21, 232, 12312, -2343]
>> nth_lowest(nums, 3)
=> 42
>> nth_lowest(nums, 5)
=> 12312
>> nums = [1, -2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 5]
=> [1, -2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 5]
>> nth_lowest(nums)
=> -2
>> nth_lowest(nums, 4)
=> 3
>> nth_lowest('unrecognizable', 3)
=> "c"
>> nth_lowest('jump', 2)
=> "m"
>> nth_lowest('abracadabra', 5)
=> "r"
Q4c) Write a function that accepts a string input and returns slices
- if input string is less than 3 characters long, return an array with input string as the only element
- otherwise, return array with all string slices greater than 1 character long
- order of slices should be same as shown in examples below
>> word_slices('i')
=> ["i"]
>> word_slices('to')
=> ["to"]
>> word_slices('are')
=> ["ar", "are", "re"]
>> word_slices('table')
=> ["ta", "tab", "tabl", "table", "ab", "abl", "able", "bl", "ble", "le"]
5) File
Q5a) Print sum of all numbers from a file containing only single column numbers (integer or float)
$ cat f1.txt
$ ./col_sum.rb
Q5b) Print sum of all numbers (assume only positive integer numbers) from a ASCII encoded file containing arbitrary string
$ cat f2.txt
Hello123 World 35
341 2
Good 13day
How are 1784 you
$ ./extract_sum.rb
Q5c) Sort file contents in alphabetic order based on each line's extension
- extension here is defined as the string after the last
in the line - if line doesn't have a
, those lines should come before lines with.
- sorting should be case-insensitive
- use rest of string as tie-breaker if there are more than one line with same extension
- assume input file is ASCII encoded and small enough to fit in memory
bonus: instead of printing results to stdout, change the input file itself with sorted result
$ cat f3.txt
$ ./sort_by_ext.rb
6) Text processing
Q6a) Check if two words are same or differ by only one character (irrespective of case), input strings should have same length
See also Levenshtein distance
>> is_one_char_diff('bar', 'bar')
=> true
>> is_one_char_diff('bar', 'Baz')
=> true
>> is_one_char_diff('Food', 'fold')
=> true
>> is_one_char_diff('A', 'b')
=> true
>> is_one_char_diff('a', '')
=> false
>> is_one_char_diff('Bar', 'Bark')
=> false
>> is_one_char_diff('Bar', 'art')
=> false
>> is_one_char_diff('Food', 'fled')
=> false
>> is_one_char_diff('ab', '')
=> false
Q6b) Check if each word of a sentence(separated by whitespace) is in ascending/descending alphabetic order or not (irrespective of case)
>> is_alpha_order('bot')
=> true
>> is_alpha_order('AborT')
=> true
>> is_alpha_order('toe')
=> true
>> is_alpha_order('are')
=> false
>> is_alpha_order('Flee')
=> false
>> is_alpha_order('Toe got bit')
=> true
>> is_alpha_order('All is well')
=> false
>> is_alpha_order('Food is good')
=> false
Q6c) Find the maximum nested depth of curly braces
Unbalanced, empty or wrongly ordered braces should return -1
Hint: Iterate over string characters or use regular expressions
>> max_nested_braces('a*b')
=> 0
>> max_nested_braces('{a+2}*{b+c}')
=> 1
>> max_nested_braces('{{a+2}*{{b+{c*d}}+e*d}}')
=> 4
>> max_nested_braces('{{a+2}*{b+{c*d}}+e}')
=> 3
>> max_nested_braces('a*b+{}')
=> -1
>> max_nested_braces('}a+b{')
=> -1
>> max_nested_braces('a*b{')
=> -1
7) Misc
Q7a) Write a function that
- accepts a filesystem path(default) or a url(indicated by true as second argument)
- returns the longest word(here word is defined as one or more consecutive sequence of alphabets of either case)
- assume that input is small enough to fit in memory and that there's only one distinct longest word
>> ip_path = 'poem.txt'
=> "poem.txt"
>> longest_word(ip_path)
=> "Violets"
>> ip_path = 'https://www.gutenberg.org/files/60/60.txt'
=> "https://www.gutenberg.org/files/60/60.txt"
>> longest_word(ip_path, true)
=> "misunderstandings"
More to come