Regular Expressions

Table of Contents

Why is it needed?

  • useful for text processing defined by regular structure, for ex:
    • sanitizing a string to ensure it satisfies a known set of rules
    • filtering or extracting portions on an abstract level like alphabets, numbers, punctuations, etc instead of a known fixed string
    • specify a condition for replacing a string with another - for ex: start or end of string, whole words, surrounding text, etc
  • modern regular expressions implemented in high level languages support non-regular features like recursion too, so usage of the term is different than the mathematical concept

Further Reading

Syntax and operators

Quoting from ruby-doc: Regexp

Regular expressions (regexps) are patterns which describe the contents of a string. They're used for testing whether a string contains a given pattern, or extracting the portions that match. They are created with the /pat/ and %r{pat} literals or the constructor.

  • for now, let's see normal string matching using regexp without introducing regexp features
>> sentence = 'This is a sample string'
=> "This is a sample string"

# check if string argument is present or not
>> sentence.include?('is')
=> true
>> sentence.include?('z')
=> false

# check if pattern specified by regexp argument is present or not
>> sentence.match?(/is/)
=> true
>> sentence.match?(/z/)
=> false

# a 2nd argument can be given to specify starting index
>> sentence.match?(/is/, 6)
=> false
  • regexp literals can be saved in a variable
  • like double quoted string, it allows interpolation and escape sequences like \t, \n, \x27, etc
>> r = /is/
=> /is/
>> 'this'.match?(r)
=> true
>> 'hello'.match?(r)
=> false

>> ip = 'hi'
=> "hi"
>> r = /t#{ip}s/
=> /this/
>> 'thistle'.match?(r)
=> true

>> r = /t#{ip.upcase}s/
=> /tHIs/
>> r = /t#{2*3}s/
=> /t6s/
  • the =~ match operator returns index of first match or nil if no match is found
  • the !~ match operator returns true if string doesn't contain the given regexp, false otherwise
  • both =~ and !~ can be used in conditional statement instead of match? method
  • a key difference from match? is that these operators will also set some global variables (will be covered later)
>> sentence = 'This is a sample string'
=> "This is a sample string"

# can also use: /is/ =~ sentence
>> sentence =~ /is/
=> 2
>> sentence =~ /z/
=> nil

>> puts 'hi' if sentence =~ /is/
=> nil
>> puts 'hi' if sentence =~ /z/
=> nil

# can also use: /z/ !~ sentence
>> sentence !~ /z/
=> true
>> sentence !~ /is/
=> false
  • the === operator returns true or false similar to match? method, but in addition this will set global variables
  • this is more useful when using Enumerable methods like grep/grep_v/all?/any?/etc as they use the === operator
>> sentence = 'This is a sample string'
=> "This is a sample string"

>> /is/ === sentence
=> true
>> /z/ === sentence
=> false

>> words = %w[cat parrot whale]
=> ["cat", "parrot", "whale"]
>> words.all?(/a/)
=> true
>> words.none?(/w/)
=> false


  • Often, search must match from beginning of line or towards end of line
    • for ex: a method definition at start of line and method arguments at end of line
  • We'll see built-in regexp boundary features in this section
    • later sections will cover how to create your own custom boundary

Line anchors

  • a string input may contain single or multiple lines
    • line is distinguished from another by a newline character
  • the ^ metacharacter anchors the regexp pattern to start of line
  • the $ metacharacter anchors the regexp pattern to end of line
  • in later sections we'll see how to match ^ and $ characters literally
>> s = 'cat and dog'
=> "cat and dog"

# without anchors, matching happens anywhere in the string
>> s.match?(/cat/)
=> true
>> s.match?(/dog/)
=> true

# match only at start of line
>> s.match?(/^cat/)
=> true
>> s.match?(/^dog/)
=> false

# match only at end of line
>> s.match?(/dog$/)
=> true

# match complete line
>> s.match?(/^dog$/)
=> false
  • multiline examples
>> "hi hello\ntop spot".match?(/^top/)
=> true
>> "hi hello\ntop spot".match?(/^hello/)
=> false

>> "spare\npar\ndare".match?(/^par$/)
=> true
>> "spare\npar\ndare".match?(/^are$/)
=> false
  • the sub and gsub methods allow to use regexp as well
>> s = 'catapults concatenate cat scat'
=> "catapults concatenate cat scat"

>> s.gsub('cat', 'XYZ')
=> "XYZapults conXYZenate XYZ sXYZ"
>> s.gsub(/cat/, 'XYZ')
=> "XYZapults conXYZenate XYZ sXYZ"

>> s.gsub(/^cat/, 'XYZ')
=> "XYZapults concatenate cat scat"
>> s.gsub(/cat$/, 'XYZ')
=> "catapults concatenate cat sXYZ"

>> "catapults\nconcatenate\ncat\nscat\n".gsub(/^cat/, 'XYZ')
=> "XYZapults\nconcatenate\nXYZ\nscat\n"
>> "catapults\nconcatenate\ncat\nscat\n".gsub(/cat$/, 'XYZ')
=> "catapults\nconcatenate\nXYZ\nsXYZ\n"
  • adding something to start/end of line
>> s = "catapults\nconcatenate\ncat"
=> "catapults\nconcatenate\ncat"
>> puts s.gsub(/^/, '1: ')
1: catapults
1: concatenate
1: cat

# if replacement/block is not given, gsub returns an Enumerator
>> puts s.gsub(/^/).with_index(1) { |m, i| "#{i}: " }
1: catapults
2: concatenate
3: cat

>> puts s.gsub(/$/, '.')
  • if there is a newline character at end of string, there is an additional end of line match but no additional start of line match
>> puts "a\nb\n".gsub(/^/, 'foo ')
foo a
foo b
>> puts "a\n\n".gsub(/^/, 'foo ')
foo a

>> puts "a\nb\n".gsub(/$/, ' baz')
a baz
b baz
>> puts "a\n\n".gsub(/$/, ' baz')
a baz

String anchors

  • similar to line anchors, but for whole input string instead of individual lines
  • \A will match start of string
>> "hi hello\ntop spot".match?(/^top/)
=> true
>> "hi hello\ntop spot".match?(/\Atop/)
=> false

>> "hi hello\ntop spot".match?(/^hi/)
=> true
>> "hi hello\ntop spot".match?(/\Ahi/)
=> true
  • \z will match end of string
>> "spare\npar\ndare".gsub(/are$/, 'ABC')
=> "spABC\npar\ndABC"

>> "spare\npar\ndare".gsub(/are\z/, 'ABC')
=> "spare\npar\ndABC"
# can also use sub as there can be only one end of string
>> "spare\npar\ndare".sub(/are\z/, 'ABC')
=> "spare\npar\ndABC"
  • \Z will also match end of string
  • but if newline is last character, then it matches just before newline character
# same result for both \z and \Z
# as there is no newline character at end of string
>> 'dare'.sub(/are\z/, 'X')
=> "dX"
>> 'dare'.sub(/are\Z/, 'X')
=> "dX"

# different results as there is newline character at end of string
>> "dare\n".sub(/are\z/, 'X')
=> "dare\n"
>> "dare\n".sub(/are\Z/, 'X')
=> "dX\n"

Word anchors

  • word character is any alphabet (irrespective of case), digit and the underscore character
  • word anchors help in matching or not matching boundaries of a word
    • for example, to distinguish between par, spar and apparent
  • \b matches word boundary
    • unlike line/string anchors, \b matches both start/end of word
>> s = 'par spar apparent spare part'
=> "par spar apparent spare part"

# replace 'par' irrespective of where it occurs
>> s.gsub(/par/, 'X')
=> "X sX apXent sXe Xt"
# replace 'par' only at start of word
>> s.gsub(/\bpar/, 'X')
=> "X spar apparent spare Xt"
# replace 'par' only at end of word
>> s.gsub(/par\b/, 'X')
=> "X sX apparent spare part"
# replace 'par' only if it is not part of another word
>> s.gsub(/\bpar\b/, 'X')
=> "X spar apparent spare part"

# space separated words to double quoted csv
>> puts s.gsub(/\b/, '"').tr(' ', ',')

>> '-----hello-----'.gsub(/\b/, ' ')
=> "----- hello -----"
  • \B is opposite of \b, it matches non-word boundaries
>> s = 'par spar apparent spare part'
=> "par spar apparent spare part"

# replace 'par' if it is not start of word
>> s.gsub(/\Bpar/, 'X')
=> "par sX apXent sXe part"
# replace 'par' at end of word but not whole word 'par'
>> s.gsub(/\Bpar\b/, 'X')
=> "par sX apparent spare part"
# replace 'par' if it is not end of word
>> s.gsub(/par\B/, 'X')
=> "par spar apXent sXe Xt"
# replace 'par' if it is surrounded by word characters
>> s.gsub(/\Bpar\B/, 'X')
=> "par spar apXent sXe part"

# add something at non-word boundaries
>> 'copper'.gsub(/\B/, ':')
=> "c:o:p:p:e:r"

Alternation and Grouping

  • multiple regexps can be combined using | metacharacter to match either of them
  • regexp on either side of | can have their own independent anchors
>> 'I like cats'.match?(/cat|dog/)
=> true
>> 'I like dogs'.match?(/cat|dog/)
=> true
>> 'I like parrots'.match?(/cat|dog/)
=> false

>> 'catapults concatenate cat scat'.gsub(/^cat|cat\b/, 'X')
=> "Xapults concatenate X sX"
>> 'cat dog bee parrot fox'.gsub(/cat|dog|fox/, 'mammal')
=> "mammal mammal bee parrot mammal"
  • beware of corner cases - the regexp that matches earliest in the string wins
>> s = 'cat dog bee parrot fox'
=> "cat dog bee parrot fox"
>> s.index('cat')
=> 0
>> s.index('dog')
=> 4
# index of 'cat' < index of 'dog'
# so 'cat' will be replaced irrespective of order of regexp
>> s.sub(/cat|dog/, 'mammal')
=> "mammal dog bee parrot fox"
>> s.sub(/dog|cat/, 'mammal')
=> "mammal dog bee parrot fox"

# if the result is confusing, unroll gsub loop to two sub
# and calculate index for both regexp before each sub
>> 'far fear'.gsub(/ar|ear/, 'Y')
=> "fY fY"
>> 'far fear'.gsub(/ear|ar/, 'Y')
=> "fY fY"
  • if index is same, then precedence is left to right
  • a simple workaround to remember as a trick is to sort the alternations longest first
  • See also regular-expressions: alternation
>> s = 'handful'
=> "handful"
>> s.index('hand')
=> 0
>> s.index('handful')
=> 0
>> s.sub(/hand|handful/, 'X')
=> "Xful"
>> s.sub(/handful|hand/, 'X')
=> "X"

# if the result is confusing, unroll gsub loop to multiple sub
# and calculate index for all three regexps before each sub
>> 'hand handy handful'.gsub(/hand|handy|handful/, 'X')
=> "X Xy Xful"
>> 'hand handy handful'.gsub(/handy|hand|handful/, 'X')
=> "X X Xful"
>> 'hand handy handful'.gsub(/handy|handful|hand/, 'X')
=> "X X X"
  • common portion can be grouped inside () metacharacters
  • Similar to a(b+c) = ab + ac in maths, a(b|c) = ab|ac in regexp
>> 'red reform read rest'.gsub(/reform|rest/, 'X')
=> "red X read X"
>> 'red reform read rest'.gsub(/re(form|st)/, 'X')
=> "red X read X"

>> 'par spare part party'.gsub(/\bpar\b|\bpart\b/, 'X')
=> "X spare X party"
>> 'par spare part party'.gsub(/\b(par|part)\b/, 'X')
=> "X spare X party"
>> 'par spare part party'.gsub(/\bpar(|t)\b/, 'X')
=> "X spare X party"
  • use Regexp.union method to build alternation from a list of arguments
    • if argument is not a regexp, the method will try to convert it to regexp first
>> Regexp.union('par', 'part')
=> /par|part/

>> words = %w[cat dog fox]
=> ["cat", "dog", "fox"]
>> 'cat dog bee parrot fox'.gsub(Regexp.union(words), 'mammal')
=> "mammal mammal bee parrot mammal"

# sort the list as longest string first where needed
>> words = %w[hand handy handful hands handed]
=> ["hand", "handy", "handful", "hands", "handed"]
>> Regexp.union(words.sort_by { |w| -w.length })
=> /handful|handed|handy|hands|hand/

Escaping metacharacters

  • we have seen metacharacters like ^, $, \, |, (, etc so far
  • to match them literally, escape them by prefixing \ character
# even though ^ is not being used as anchor, it won't be matched literally
>> 'cost^2 + a^5'.sub(/cost^2/) { |s| s.upcase }
=> "cost^2 + a^5"
# escaping will work
>> 'cost^2 + a^5'.sub(/cost\^2/) { |s| s.upcase }
=> "COST^2 + a^5"

>> 'pa$$ed'.gsub(/\$/, 's')
=> "passed"

>> '(a*b) + c'.gsub(/\(|\)/, '')
=> "a*b + c"

>> 'a || b'.gsub(/\|/, '&')
=> "a && b"

>> '\learn\by\example'.gsub(/\\/, '/')
=> "/learn/by/example"
  • use Regexp.escape to let Ruby handle escaping all the metacharacters present in a string
    • Regexp.union also escapes the metacharacters present in string arguments
  • to avoid escaping altogether, use string argument instead of regexp when regexp features are not needed
>> puts Regexp.escape('(a^b)')
>> Regexp.union('foo', '(a^b)')
=> /foo|\(a\^b\)/

>> eqn = 'f*(a^b) - 3*(a^b)'
=> "f*(a^b) - 3*(a^b)"
>> s = '(a^b)'
=> "(a^b)"

>> eqn.gsub(s, 'c')
=> "f*c - 3*c"

# use Regexp.escape if additional regexp features are needed
>> eqn.gsub(/#{s}$/, 'c')
=> "f*(a^b) - 3*(a^b)"
>> eqn.gsub(/#{Regexp.escape(s)}$/, 'c')
=> "f*(a^b) - 3*c"
  • use %r percent string to use any other delimiter than the default /
  • Note: no need to worry about unescaped delimiter inside #{} interpolation
>> '/foo/bar/baz/123'.match?('o/bar/baz/1')
=> true

>> '/foo/bar/baz/123' =~ /o\/bar\/baz\/1/
=> 3
>> '/foo/bar/baz/123' =~ %r{o/bar/baz/1}
=> 3

>> '/foo/bar/baz/123'.sub(/o\/bar\/baz\/1/, '/c/4')
=> "/fo/c/423"
>> '/foo/bar/baz/123'.sub(%r(o/bar/baz/1), '/c/4')
=> "/fo/c/423"

Dot metacharacter and Quantifiers

  • the . metacharacter matches any character except newline character
    • later on, we'll see how to match newline as well
>> 'tac tin cat abc;tuv acute'.gsub(/c.t/, 'X')
=> "taXin X abXuv aXe"

>> 'breadth markedly reported overrides'.gsub(/r..d/) { |s| s.upcase }
=> "bREADth maRKEDly repoRTED oveRRIDes"

>> "42\t33".sub(/2.3/, '8')
=> "483"

Greedy quantifiers

  • quantifiers help to specify how many times to match a character or grouping
  • the ? quantifier will match 0 or 1 times
# same as: /far|fear/
>> 'far feat flare fear'.gsub(/fe?ar/, 'X')
=> "X feat flare X"
# same as: /ear|ar/
>> 'far feat flare fear'.gsub(/e?ar/, 'X')
=> "fX feat flXe fX"

# same as: /\bpar(t|)\b/
>> 'par spare part party'.gsub(/\bpart?\b/, 'X')
=> "X spare X party"

# same as: /\b(re.d|red)\b/
>> %w[red read ready re;d redo reed].grep(/\bre.?d\b/)
=> ["red", "read", "re;d", "reed"]

# same as: /part|parrot/
>> 'par part parrot parent'.gsub(/par(ro)?t/, 'X')
=> "par X X parent"
# same as: /part|parrot|parent/
>> 'par part parrot parent'.gsub(/par(en|ro)?t/, 'X')
=> "par X X X"
  • the * quantifier will match 0 or more times
>> 'tr tear tare steer sitaara'.gsub(/ta*r/, 'X')
=> "X tear Xe steer siXa"
>> 'tr tear tare steer sitaara'.gsub(/t(e|a)*r/, 'X')
=> "X X Xe sX siXa"

>> '3111111111125111142'.gsub(/1*2/, 'X')
=> "3X511114X"
>> '3111111111125111142'.partition(/1*2/)
=> ["3", "11111111112", "5111142"]
>> '3111111111125111142'.rpartition(/1*2/)
=> ["311111111112511114", "2", ""]

>> '3111111111125111142'.split(/1*/)
=> ["3", "2", "5", "4", "2"]
>> '3111111111125111142'.split(/1*/, -1)
=> ["3", "2", "5", "4", "2", ""]
  • the + quantifier will match 1 or more times
>> 'tr tear tare steer sitaara'.gsub(/ta+r/, 'X')
=> "tr tear Xe steer siXa"
>> 'tr tear tare steer sitaara'.gsub(/t(e|a)+r/, 'X')
=> "tr X Xe sX siXa"

>> '3111111111125111142'.gsub(/1+2/, 'X')
=> "3X5111142"
>> '3111111111125111142'.split(/1+/)
=> ["3", "25", "42"]
  • the {} quantifier forms allow using numbers
    • {m, n} will match m to n times
    • {m,} will match at least m times
    • {,n} will match up to n times (including 0 times)
    • {n} will match exactly n times
>> s = 'abc ac adc abbc bbb bc abbbbbc'
=> "abc ac adc abbc bbb bc abbbbbc"

>> s.gsub(/ab{1,4}c/, 'X')
=> "X ac adc X bbb bc abbbbbc"

>> s.gsub(/ab{2,}c/, 'X')
=> "abc ac adc X bbb bc X"

>> s.gsub(/ab{,3}c/, 'X')
=> "X X adc X bbb bc abbbbbc"

>> s.gsub(/ab{2}c/, 'X')
=> "abc ac adc X bbb bc abbbbbc"
  • the quantifiers we've seen so far are all greedy in nature
  • other than {n}, rest of them can match varying quantities of preceding character or group
  • so, in cases where there can be multiple ways to satisfy the regexp, the longest match would win
>> s = 'that is quite a fabricated tale'
=> "that is quite a fabricated tale"

# .* means any character any number of times
# /t.*a/ would match from first 't' to last 'a' in the line
>> s.sub(/t.*a/, 'X')
=> "Xle"
>> 'star'.sub(/t.*a/, 'X')
=> "sXr"

>> s.sub(/f.*t/, 'X')
=> "that is quite a Xale"

# overall regexp has to match
# matching first 't' to last 'a' for t.*a won't work for these cases
# so, the regexp engine backtracks until .*q matches and so on
>> s.sub(/t.*a.*q.*f/, 'X')
=> "Xabricated tale"
>> s.sub(/t.*a.*u/, 'X')
=> "Xite a fabricated tale"
  • longest match wins nature of greedy quantifier is preferable over equivalent regexp defined using alternation
# same as: /handy|handful|hand/
>> 'hand handy handful'.gsub(/hand(y|ful)?/, 'X')
=> "X X X"

# same as: /ear|ar/
>> 'far fear'.gsub(/e?ar/, 'Y')
=> "fY fY"

>> puts 'blah \< foo < bar \< blah < baz'
blah \< foo < bar \< blah < baz
# same as: /\\<|</
>> puts 'blah \< foo < bar \< blah < baz'.gsub(/\\?</, '\<')
blah \< foo \< bar \< blah \< baz

Non-greedy quantifiers

  • appending a ? to greedy quantifiers will change matching from greedy to non-greedy i.e match as minimally as possible
    • also known as lazy quantifier
>> s = 'that is quite a fabricated tale'
=> "that is quite a fabricated tale"

>> s.sub(/t.*?a/, 'X')
=> "Xt is quite a fabricated tale"
>> s.sub(/f.*?t/, 'X')
=> "that is quite a Xed tale"

# overall regexp has to match
>> s.sub(/t.*?te/, 'X')
=> "X a fabricated tale"
# greedy version
>> s.sub(/t.*te/, 'X')
=> "Xd tale"

>> '123456789'.sub(/.{2,5}?/, '')
=> "3456789"
>> '123456789'.sub(/.{2,5}/, '')
=> "6789"

Possessive quantifiers

  • appending a + to greedy quantifiers will change matching from greedy to possessive matching
  • it is like greedy matching but without backtracking
    • if both greedy and possessive nature yields same results, possessive would be faster
    • if results are different, usage depends on which one is required
  • See also stackoverflow: Greedy vs Reluctant vs Possessive Quantifiers
# same results, possessive would be faster
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.gsub(/ab*c/, 'X')
=> "X X adc X"
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.gsub(/ab*+c/, 'X')
=> "X X adc X"

# different results
>> 'feat ft feaeat'.gsub(/f(a|e)*at/, 'X')
=> "X ft X"
# (a|e)*+ would match 'a' or 'e' as much as possible
# no backtracking, so another 'a' can never match
>> 'feat ft feaeat'.gsub(/f(a|e)*+at/, 'X')
=> "feat ft feaeat"
  • possessive quantifier can also be expressed using atomic grouping with (?> special group
# same as: /(b|o)++/
>> 'abbbc foooooot'.gsub(/(?>(b|o)+)/, 'X')
=> "aXc fXt"

# same as: /f(a|e)*+at/
>> 'feat ft feaeat'.gsub(/f(?>(a|e)*)at/, 'X')
=> "feat ft feaeat"

match, scan and globals

  • similar to match?, the match method accepts a regexp and optional starting index
    • both these methods treat string argument as a regexp, unlike sub/split/etc
  • the return value is of type MatchData from which various information can be extracted
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.match(/ab*c/)
=> #<MatchData "abc">
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.match(/ab*c/)[0]
=> "abc"

# string argument is treated same as a regexp
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.match('ab*c', 1)
=> #<MatchData "ac">
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.match('ab*c', 1)[0]
=> "ac"

>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.match(/ab*c/, 7)
=> #<MatchData "abbbc">
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.match(/ab*c/, 7)[0]
=> "abbbc"
  • another way to get matched string is providing regexp within [] on a string value
>> s = 'abc ac adc abbbc'
=> "abc ac adc abbbc"

>> s[/ab*c/]
=> "abc"
>> s[1..-1][/ab*c/]
=> "ac"

>> s[/ab{2,}c/]
=> "abbbc"

# same as: s.sub!(/b.*b/, 'X')
>> s[/b.*b/] = 'X'
=> "X"
>> s
=> "aXc"
  • scan method returns all the matched strings as an array
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.scan(/ab*c/)
=> ["abc", "ac", "abbbc"]
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.scan(/ab+c/)
=> ["abc", "abbbc"]
>> 'par spar apparent spare part'.scan(/\bs?pare?\b/)
=> ["par", "spar", "spare"]

# greedy vs non-greedy
>> 'that is quite a fabricated tale'.scan(/t.*a/)
=> ["that is quite a fabricated ta"]
>> 'that is quite a fabricated tale'.scan(/t.*?a/)
=> ["tha", "t is quite a", "ted ta"]

# use block to iterate over matched strings
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.scan(/ab+c/) { |s| puts s.upcase }
  • global variables hold information related to matched data
    • as noted before, match? method won't affect these variables
  • $~ contains MatchData
  • $` contains string before the matched string
  • $& contains matched string
  • $' contains string after the matched string
>> s = 'that is quite a fabricated tale'
=> "that is quite a fabricated tale"
>> s =~ /q.*b/
=> 8

>> $~
=> #<MatchData "quite a fab">
>> $~[0]
=> "quite a fab"
>> $`
=> "that is "
>> $&
=> "quite a fab"
>> $'
=> "ricated tale"
  • for multiple matches, global variables will update for every match
# same as: { |s| puts s.upcase }
>> 'abc ac adc abbbc'.scan(/ab+c/) { puts $&.upcase }

# referring to them after the instruction will have info only for last match
>> 'par spar apparent spare part'.scan(/\bpar\b|\bspare\b/)
=> ["par", "spare"]
>> $~
=> #<MatchData "spare">
>> $`
=> "par spar apparent "
>> $&
=> "spare"
>> $'
=> " part"
  • $1 will have string matched by first group
  • $2 will have string matched by second group and so on
  • $+ will have string matched by last group
  • default value is nil if the group number didn't have a match
>> s = 'that is quite a fabricated tale'
=> "that is quite a fabricated tale"

>> s =~ /(th.*q).*(b.*c)/
=> 0
>> $1
=> "that is q"
>> $2
=> "bric"
>> $+
=> "bric"

>> s =~ /s.*(q.*(f.*b).*c).*d/
=> 6
>> $&
=> "s quite a fabricated"
>> $1
=> "quite a fabric"
>> $2
=> "fab"
  • group data can also be retrieved from MatchData
  • negative index can be used, makes it easier to get last match, second last, etc
>> s = 'that is quite a fabricated tale'
=> "that is quite a fabricated tale"
>> s =~ /(q.*(f.*b).*c).*d/
=> 8

>> $~
=> #<MatchData "quite a fabricated" 1:"quite a fabric" 2:"fab">
>> $~.to_a
=> ["quite a fabricated", "quite a fabric", "fab"]
>> $~[-2]
=> "quite a fabric"

>> s[/(q.*(f.*b).*c).*d/]
=> "quite a fabricated"
>> s[/(q.*(f.*b).*c).*d/, 0]
=> "quite a fabricated"
>> s[/(q.*(f.*b).*c).*d/, 1]
=> "quite a fabric"
>> s[/(q.*(f.*b).*c).*d/, 2]
=> "fab"

Character class

  • . meta character provides a way to match any character
  • character class provides a way to match any character among a specified set of characters enclosed within []
  • quantifiers can be applied to characters class as well
# same as: /cot|cut/ or /c(o|u)t/
>> %w[cute cat cot coat cost scuttle].grep(/c[ou]t/)
=> ["cute", "cot", "scuttle"]

# same as: /(a|o)+t/
>> 'oat ft boa foot'.gsub(/[ao]+t/, 'X')
=> "X ft boa fX"

>> 'foo5932baz'.sub(/[0123456789]+/, '')
=> "foobaz"
  • matching any alphabet, number, hexadecimal number etc becomes cumbersome if every character has to be individually specified
  • so, there's a shortcut, using - to construct a range
>> 'foo5932baz'.sub(/[0-9]+/, '')
=> "foobaz"

# whole words made up of lowercase alphabets only
>> 'coat Bin food tar12 best'.scan(/\b[a-z]+\b/)
=> ["coat", "food", "best"]

# whole words made up of lowercase alphabets and digits only
>> 'coat Bin food tar12 best'.scan(/\b[a-z0-9]+\b/)
=> ["coat", "food", "tar12", "best"]

# whole words made up of lowercase alphabets, starting with p to z
>> 'coat tin food put stoop best'.scan(/\b[p-z][a-z]+\b/)
=> ["tin", "put", "stoop"]

# whole words made up of a to f, p to t lowercase alphabets
>> 'coat tin food put stoop best'.scan(/\b[a-fp-t]+\b/)
=> ["best"]
# numbers between 10 to 29
>> '23 154 12 26 98234'.scan(/\b[12][0-9]\b/)
=> ["23", "12", "26"]

# numbers >= 100
>> '23 154 12 26 98234'.scan(/\b[0-9]{3,}\b/)
=> ["154", "98234"]

# numbers >= 100 if there are leading zeros
>> '0501 035 154 12 26 98234'.scan(/\b0*[1-9][0-9]{2,}\b/)
=> ["0501", "154", "98234"]

>> '45 349 651 593 4 204'.gsub(/[0-9]+/) { $&.to_i < 350 ? 0 : 1 }
=> "0 0 1 1 0 0"
  • character class has its own set of metacharacters
  • we've already seen - which helps to form a range
  • using ^ as first character inside [] will result in matching characters other than those specified
# deleting characters from start of line based on a delimiter
>> 'foo=42; baz=123'.sub(/^[^=]+/, '')
=> "=42; baz=123"
>> 'foo=42; baz=123'.sub(/^[^=]+=/, '')
=> "42; baz=123"
# remove first two columns where : is delimiter
>> 'foo:123:bar:baz'.sub(/^([^:]+:){2}/, '')
=> "bar:baz"

# deleting characters at end of line based on a delimiter
>> 'foo=42; baz=123'.sub(/=[^=]+$/, '')
=> "foo=42; baz"

# filtering words without vowels
>> words = %w[tryst glyph pity why]
=> ["tryst", "glyph", "pity", "why"]
# can also use: words.grep_v(/[aeiou]/)
>> words.grep(/\A[^aeiou]+\z/)
=> ["tryst", "glyph", "why"]
  • use && to define intersection of two or more character classes
# [^aeiou] will match any non-vowel character
# which means space is also a valid character to be matched
>> 'tryst glyph pity why'.scan(/\b[^aeiou]+\b/)
=> ["tryst glyph ", " why"]

# [a-z&&[^aeiou]] will be intersection of a-z and non-vowel characters
# so, we get a positive definition of characters to match and avoids surprises
>> 'tryst glyph pity why'.scan(/\b[a-z&&[^aeiou]]+\b/)
=> ["tryst", "glyph", "why"]
  • escaping character class metacharacters
# - should be first or last character or escaped using \
>> 'ab-cd gh-c 12-423'.scan(/\b[a-z-]{2,}\b/)
=> ["ab-cd", "gh-c"]
>> 'ab-cd gh-c 12-423'.scan(/\b[a-z\-0-9]{2,}\b/)
=> ["ab-cd", "gh-c", "12-423"]

# ^ should be other than first character or escaped using \
>> 'f*(a^b) - 3*(a+b)'.scan(/a[+^]b/)
=> ["a^b", "a+b"]
>> 'f*(a^b) - 3*(a+b)'.scan(/a[\^+]b/)
=> ["a^b", "a+b"]

# [, ] and \ should be escaped using \
>> 'a[5]24 bcd'.match(/[\[0-9]+/)
=> #<MatchData "[5">
>> 'a[5]24 bcd'.match(/[\]0-9]+/)
=> #<MatchData "5]24">
>> puts '5ba\babc2'.match(/[a\\b]+/)
  • commonly used character sets have predefined escape sequences
    • \w is equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_] for matching word characters
    • \d is equivalent to [0-9] for matching digit characters
    • \s is equivalent to [ \t\r\n\f\v] for matching whitespace characters
    • \h is equivalent to [0-9a-fA-F] for matching hexadecimal characters
    • \W, \D, \S and \H respectively for their negated character class
>> '128A foo1 fe32 34 bar'.scan(/\b\h+\b/)
=> ["128A", "fe32", "34"]
>> '128A foo1 fe32 34 bar'.scan(/\b\h+\b/).map(&:hex)
=> [4746, 65074, 52]

>> 'foo=5, bar=3; x=83, y=120'.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)
=> [5, 3, 83, 120]
>> 'Sample123string54with908numbers'.split(/\d+/)
=> ["Sample", "string", "with", "numbers"]
>> 'like 42 and 37.'.gsub(/\D+/, 'X')
=> "X42X37X"

>> "foo:ab 12:baz_3:_:::par\tpool".scan(/\w+/)
=> ["foo", "ab", "12", "baz_3", "_", "par", "pool"]
>> "foo:ab 12:baz_3:_:::par\tpool".scan(/[\w\s]+/)
=> ["foo", "ab 12", "baz_3", "_", "par\tpool"]

>> "      a  \v\f  ate b\tc   \r\n123          ".split
=> ["a", "ate", "b", "c", "123"]
>> "      a  \v\f  ate b\tc   \r\n123          ".split(/\s+/, -1)
=> ["", "a", "ate", "b", "c", "123", ""]
  • Ruby also provides named character sets, which are unicode aware unlike the escape sequences which only work on ASCII characters
    • a named character set is defined by a name enclosed between [: and :] and has to be used within a character class [], along with any other character as needed
    • [:^ instead of [: will negate the character set
  • only some examples for ASCII input given below, see ruby-doc: Character Classes for more details and other named character sets
# similar to: /\d+/ or /[0-9]+/
>> 'foo=5, bar=3; x=83, y=120'.scan(/[[:digit:]]+/)
=> ["5", "3", "83", "120"]
# similar to: /\D+/ or /[^0-9]+/
# can also use: /[[:^digit:]]+/
>> 'like 42 and 37.'.gsub(/[^[:digit:]]+/, 'X')
=> "X42X37X"

# similar to: /[\w\s]+/
>> "foo:ab 12:baz_3:_:::par\tpool".scan(/[[:word:][:space:]]+/)
=> ["foo", "ab 12", "baz_3", "_", "par\tpool"]

# similar to: /[a-zA-Z]+/
>> 'Sample123string54with908numbers'.scan(/[[:alpha:]]+/)
=> ["Sample", "string", "with", "numbers"]

# remove all punctuation characters
>> 'hi there! how are you?? all fine here.'.gsub(/[[:punct:]]+/, '')
=> "hi there how are you all fine here"
# remove all punctuation characters except . and !
>> 'hi there! how are you?? all fine here.'.gsub(/[[^.!]&&[:punct:]]+/, '')
=> "hi there! how are you all fine here."

Groupings and backreferences

  • the regexp grouping within () we've seen so far are also referred to as capture groups
  • the string value that is matched by such groups can be referred outside the regexp using global variables $1, $2, etc
  • they can be referred within the regexp itself using backreferences as \1, \2, etc
    • \1, \2 upto \9 can be used in replacement sections of sub/gsub when block form is not needed
    • \0 or \& would refer to entire matched string, equivalent to $&
    • \` and \' are equivalents for $` and $' respectively
  • Note that the matched string is referenced, not the regexp itself
    • for ex: if ([0-9][a-f]) matches 3b, then backreferencing will be 3b not any other valid match of the regular expression like 8f, 0a etc
# remove quotes surrounding digits
>> puts '"52" apples and "31" mangoes'.gsub(/"(\d+)"/, '\1')
52 apples and 31 mangoes
# replace __ with _ and delete _ if it is alone
>> '_foo_ __123__ _baz_'.gsub(/(_)?_/, '\1')
=> "foo _123_ baz"

# add something around the matched strings
>> '52 apples and 31 mangoes'.gsub(/\d+/, '(\0)')
=> "(52) apples and (31) mangoes"
>> 'Hello world'.sub(/.*/, 'Hi. \0. Have a nice day')
=> "Hi. Hello world. Have a nice day"

# swap words separated by a comma
>> 'a,b 42,64'.gsub(/(\w+),(\w+)/, '\2,\1')
=> "b,a 64,42"

# replace words having a consecutive repeated character
>> 'eel flee all pat ilk seen'.gsub(/\b\w*(\w)\1\w*\b/, 'X')
=> "X X X pat ilk X"
# remove any number of consecutive duplicate words separated by space
>> 'a a a walking for for a cause'.gsub(/\b(\w+)( \1)+\b/, '\1')
=> "a walking for a cause"
  • using capture groups affects behavior of string methods like scan and split
# without capture group
>> 'Sample123string54with908numbers'.split(/\d+/)
=> ["Sample", "string", "with", "numbers"]
# to include the matching delimiter strings as well in the output
>> 'Sample123string54with908numbers'.split(/(\d+)/)
=> ["Sample", "123", "string", "54", "with", "908", "numbers"]

# only the string matched within groups will be in output
>> '_foo_ cat _123_ _baz_ dog'.scan(/_(\w+)_/)
=> [["foo"], ["123"], ["baz"]]
# each element is an array containing all the groups
>> 'a:b 42:64'.scan(/(\w+):(\w+)/)
=> [["a", "b"], ["42", "64"]]
>> 'a:b c: 42:64'.scan(/(\w+):(\w*)/)
=> [["a", "b"], ["c", ""], ["42", "64"]]
  • \1, \2 etc backreferences the matched string
  • use \g<1>, \g<2> etc to backreference the regular expression itself
>> s = 'cat,2008-03-24,foo,2012-08-12,5632'
=> "cat,2008-03-24,foo,2012-08-12,5632"

>> s.match(/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).*\g<1>/)[0]
=> "2008-03-24,foo,2012-08-12"

Non-capturing groups

  • use (?:) instead of () to group regexps without capturing it
  • such groups won't be counted for backreference/global variables
# normal capture group will hinder ability to get whole match
>> 'cost tin food put shin best'.scan(/\b\w*(st|in)\b/)
=> [["st"], ["in"], ["in"], ["st"]]
# non-capturing group to the rescue
>> 'cost tin food put shin best'.scan(/\b\w*(?:st|in)\b/)
=> ["cost", "tin", "shin", "best"]

# with normal grouping, need to keep track of all the groups
>> '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'.sub(/^(([^,]+,){3})([^,]+)/, '\1(\3)')
=> "1,2,3,(4),5,6,7"
# using non-capturing groups, only relevant groups have to be tracked
>> '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'.sub(/^((?:[^,]+,){3})([^,]+)/, '\1(\2)')
=> "1,2,3,(4),5,6,7"

>> '123hand42handy777handful500'.split(/hand(?:y|ful)?/)
=> ["123", "42", "777", "500"]
  • but if regexp itself needs backreference, capture group cannot be avoided
  • in such cases, gsub comes in handy instead of scan
    • without a 2nd argument or block, gsub returns an Enumerator which can be used as needed
# same as: scan(/\b\w*(?:st|in)\b/)
>> 'cost peel tin food put shin best'.gsub(/\b\w*(st|in)\b/).to_a
=> ["cost", "tin", "shin", "best"]

# same as: scan(/\b\w*(?:st|in)\b/).map(&:upcase)
>> 'cost peel tin food put shin best'.gsub(/\b\w*(st|in)\b/).map(&:upcase)
=> ["COST", "TIN", "SHIN", "BEST"]

# get all words containing consecutive repeated characters
>> 'cost peel tin food put shin best'.gsub(/\b\w*(\w)\1\w*\b/).to_a
=> ["peel", "food"]
>> 'eel flee all pat ilk seen'.gsub(/\b\w*(\w)\1\w*\b/).to_a
=> ["eel", "flee", "all", "seen"]

Named capture groups

  • capture groups can be given a name using (?<name>) or (?'name') and backreferenced using \k<name>
  • both named capture groups and normal capture groups cannot be used at the same time
# giving names to first and second captured words instead of default numbers
>> 'a,b 42,64'.gsub(/(?<fw>\w+),(?<sw>\w+)/, '\k<sw>,\k<fw>')
=> "b,a 64,42"
# alternate syntax
>> 'a,b 42,64'.gsub(/(?'fw'\w+),(?'sw'\w+)/, '\k<sw>,\k<fw>')
=> "b,a 64,42"

# named capture group can be used for backreferencing with \g as well
>> s.match(/(?<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).*\g<date>/)[0]
=> "2008-03-24,foo,2012-08-12"
>> s = '2018-10-25,car'
=> "2018-10-25,car"

>> /(?<date>[^,]+),(?<product>[^,]+)/ =~ s
=> 0

# same as: $1
>> date
=> "2018-10-25"
# same as: $2
>> product
=> "car"


  • these provide a way to add assertions before and/or after the pattern of interest
  • string matched by lookarounds won't be part of overall matched string, they specify a location similar to anchors
    • hence, these are also known as zero-width patterns

Negative lookarounds

  • syntax is (?<!) for negative lookbehind and (?!) for negative lookahead
  • these are also useful to specify custom boundaries
# change 'foo' only if it is not preceded by _
# note how 'foo' at start of line is matched as well
>> 'foo _foo 1foo'.gsub(/(?<!_)foo/, 'baz')
=> "baz _foo 1baz"

# change word only if it is not preceded by : or --
>> ':cat --boat ;nice'.gsub(/(?<!:|--)\b\w+/, 'X')
=> ":cat --boat ;X"

# change 'foo' only if it is not followed by a digit character
>> 'hey food! foo42 foot5 foofoo'.gsub(/foo(?!\d)/, 'baz')
=> "hey bazd! foo42 bazt5 bazbaz"

# words not surrounded by punctuation marks
>> ':cat top nice; cool. mad'.scan(/(?<![[:punct:]])\b\w+\b(?![[:punct:]])/)
=> ["top", "mad"]

Positive lookarounds

  • syntax is (?<=) for positive lookbehind and (?=) for positive lookahead
# extract digits only if it is followed by ,
>> '42 foo-5, baz3; x83, y-20; f12'.scan(/\d+(?=,)/)
=> ["5", "83"]
# extract digits only if it is preceded by - and followed by , or ;
>> '42 foo-5, baz3; x83, y-20; f12'.scan(/(?<=-)\d+(?=[;,])/)
=> ["5", "20"]

# except first and last fields
>> '1,2,3,4,5'.scan(/(?<=,)[^,]+(?=,)/)
=> ["2", "3", "4"]
>> '1,2,3,4,5'.gsub(/(?<=,)[^,]+(?=,)/, 'X')
=> "1,X,X,X,5"

# replace empty fields with NA
# same as: gsub(/(?<![^,])(?![^,])/, 'NA')
>> ',,1,,,2,,3,,'.gsub(/(?<=\A|,)(?=,|\z)/, 'NA')
=> "NA,NA,1,NA,NA,2,NA,3,NA,NA"
  • lookarounds can be used to construct AND conditional
>> words = %w[sequoia subtle questionable exhibit equation]
=> ["sequoia", "subtle", "questionable", "exhibit", "equation"]

# words containing 'b' and 'e' and 't' in any order
# same as: /b.*e.*t|b.*t.*e|e.*b.*t|e.*t.*b|t.*b.*e|t.*e.*b/
>> words.grep(/(?=.*b)(?=.*e).*t/)
=> ["subtle", "questionable", "exhibit"]

# words containing all vowels in any order
>> words.grep(/(?=.*a)(?=.*e)(?=.*i)(?=.*o).*u/)
=> ["sequoia", "questionable", "equation"]
  • even though lookarounds are not part of matched string, capture groups can be used inside them
>> puts 'a b c d e'.gsub(/(\S+\s+)(?=(\S+)\s)/, "\\1\\2\n")
a b
b c
c d
d e

# use non-capturing group if needed
>> 'pore42 car3 pare7 care5'.scan(/(?<=(po|ca)re)\d+/)
=> [["po"], ["ca"]]
>> 'pore42 car3 pare7 care5'.scan(/(?<=(?:po|ca)re)\d+/)
=> ["42", "5"]

Variable length lookbehind

# same as: gsub(/(?<=-)\d+/, 'X')
>> '42 foo-5, baz3; x83, y-20; f12'.gsub(/-\K\d+/, 'X')
=> "42 foo-X, baz3; x83, y-X; f12"

>> '1 land 2 sand 3 and 4 stand'.sub(/(?<=(and.*?){2})and/, 'X')
SyntaxError ((irb):2: invalid pattern in look-behind: /(?<=(and.*?){2})and/)
>> '1 land 2 sand 3 and 4 stand'.sub(/(and.*?){2}\Kand/, 'X')
=> "1 land 2 sand 3 X 4 stand"

>> 'foo and baz 123'.match?(/(?<!baz.*)123/)
SyntaxError ((irb):4: invalid pattern in look-behind: /(?<!baz.*)123/)
# match '123' in a string only if 'baz' doesn't occur before
# every character from start of string has to be consumed one by one
>> 'baz 123'.match?(/\A((?!baz).)*123/)
=> false
>> '123 foo'.match?(/\A((?!baz).)*123/)
=> true
>> 'foo and 123 baz'.match?(/\A((?!baz).)*123/)
=> true
# match 'foo' followed by 'baz' only if '123' is not in between
# using negative lookahead
>> 'foo and 123 baz'.match?(/foo((?!123).)*baz/)
=> false
>> 'foo and 12 baz'.match?(/foo((?!123).)*baz/)
=> true

# using absence operator
# note that there is no quantifier
>> 'foo and 123 baz'.match?(/foo(?~123)baz/)
=> false
>> 'foo and 12 baz'.match?(/foo(?~123)baz/)
=> true


  • use i modifier to ignore case while matching
>> 'Cat' =~ /cat/
=> nil
>> 'Cat' =~ /cat/i
=> 0

>> 'Cat scat CATER cAts'.gsub(/cat/i, 'X')
=> "X sX XER Xs"

# same as: scan(/[a-zA-Z]+/)
>> 'Sample123string54with908numbers'.scan(/[a-z]+/i)
=> ["Sample", "string", "with", "numbers"]
  • use m modifier to allow . metacharacter to match newline character as well
>> "tar foo 123\n42 baz car".sub(/foo.*baz/, 'X')
=> "tar foo 123\n42 baz car"

>> "tar foo 123\n42 baz car".sub(/foo.*baz/m, 'X')
=> "tar X car"

# multiple modifiers can be used as needed
>> "tar foo 123\n42 Baz car".sub(/foo.*baz/im, 'X')
=> "tar X car"
  • use o modifier to perform interpolation only once
    • helpful if you are using regexp inside a loop and the expression inside the interpolation always gives same value
    • you could also save the regexp in a variable before the loop and use it instead of adding o modifier
  • See also Ruby regular expressions: the o modifier
>> n = 2
=> 2
>> words = %w[car bike bus auto train plane]
=> ["car", "bike", "bus", "auto", "train", "plane"]
# as 'o' modifier is used, expression inside #{} will be evaluated only once
>> words.grep(/\A\w{#{2**n}}\z/o)
=> ["bike", "auto"]

# expression result is not constant, so don't use 'o' modifier
>> { |w, i| w.match?(/\A\w{#{2**i}}\z/) }
=> ["bike"]
  • x modifier allows to use literal whitespaces for aligning purposes and comments after the # character
  • this way, a complex regexp can be broken into multiple lines with comments
  • whitespace and # character needed as part of regexp should be escaped or use character class to represent them
  • See ruby-doc: Free-Spacing Mode and Comments for details
# same as: r = /^((?:[^,]+,){3})([^,]+)/
>> r = /^(                  # group-1, captures first three columns
           (?:[^,]+,){3}    # non-capturing group to get the three columns
        ([^,]+)             # group-2, captures fourth column

>> '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'.sub(r, '\1(\2)')
=> "1,2,3,(4),5,6,7"

>> 'cat and dog'.match?(/t a/x)
=> false
>> 'cat and dog'.match?(/t\ a/x)
=> true
>> 'cat and dog'.match?(/t\x20a/x)
=> true

>> 'foo a#b 123'.match(/a#b/x)
=> #<MatchData "a">
>> 'foo a#b 123'.match(/a\#b/x)
=> #<MatchData "a#b">
  • a comment can also be added using (?#comment) when x modifier is not used
    • this is a non-capturing group
>> r = /^((?:[^,]+,){3})(?#3-cols)([^,]+)(?#4th-col)/
=> /^((?:[^,]+,){3})(?#3-cols)([^,]+)(?#4th-col)/

>> '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'.sub(r, '\1(\2)')
=> "1,2,3,(4),5,6,7"
  • regexp encoding can be changed from source encoding using modifiers
  • for ex: n to specify regexp encoding as ASCII-8BIT
  • See ruby-doc: Regexp Encoding for other such modifiers and details
  • See also ruby-doc: Encoding for details on handling different string encodings
# example with ASCII characters only
>> 'foo - baz'.gsub(/\w+/n, '(\0)')
=> "(foo) - (baz)"

# example with non-ASCII characters as well
>> 'fox:αλεπού'.scan(/\w+/n)
(irb):2: warning: historical binary regexp match /.../n against UTF-8 string
=> ["fox"]
  • the modifiers can also be applied to specific portion of regexp instead of entire pattern, for ex:
    • (?i:foo) will apply case-insensitive matching only for this regexp portion
    • (?-i:foo) will avoid case-insensitive matching only for this regexp portion
    • (?i) will apply case-insensitive matching to regexp portion from this point onwards
  • this way, modifiers for a regexp portion can be defined irrespective of modifier applied for entire regexp
  • these are non-capturing groups
# case-insensitive only for 'cat'
>> 'Cat scatter CATER cAts'.scan(/(?i:cat)[a-z]*\b/)
=> ["Cat", "catter", "cAts"]
>> 'Cat scatter CATER cAts'.scan(/cat(?-i)[a-z]*\b/i)
=> ["Cat", "catter", "cAts"]

# case-sensitive only for 'Cat'
>> 'Cat SCatTeR CATER cAts'.scan(/(?-i:Cat)[a-z]*\b/i)
=> ["Cat", "CatTeR"]
>> 'Cat SCatTeR CATER cAts'.scan(/Cat(?i)[a-z]*\b/)
=> ["Cat", "CatTeR"]

>> Regexp.union(/^cat/i, '123')
=> /(?i-mx:^cat)|123/
>> Regexp.union(/cat/, 'a^b', /the.*ice/im)
=> /(?-mix:cat)|a\^b|(?mi-x:the.*ice)/


  • similar to named character classes, the \p{} construct comes in handy when dealing with Unicode characters
# extract all consecutive letters
>> 'fox:αλεπού,eagle:αετός'.scan(/\p{L}+/)
=> ["fox", "αλεπού", "eagle", "αετός"]
# extract all consecutive Greek letters
>> 'fox:αλεπού,eagle:αετός'.scan(/\p{Greek}+/)
=> ["αλεπού", "αετός"]

# extract all words
>> 'φοο12,βτ_4,foo'.scan(/\p{Word}+/)
=> ["φοο12", "βτ_4", "foo"]

# delete all characters other than letters
# \p{^L} can also be used instead of \P{L}
>> 'φοο12,βτ_4,foo'.gsub(/\P{L}+/, '')
=> "φοοβτfoo"
  • for generic Unicode character ranges, specify codepoints using \u{} construct.
# to get codepoints from string
>> 'fox:αλεπού' { |i| '%x' % i }
=> ["66", "6f", "78", "3a", "3b1", "3bb", "3b5", "3c0", "3bf", "3cd"]
# one or more codepoints can be specified inside \u{}
>> puts "\u{66 6f 78 3a 3b1 3bb 3b5 3c0 3bf 3cd}"

# character range example using \u{}
# all english lowercase letters
>> 'fox:αλεπού,eagle:αετός'.scan(/[\u{61}-\u{7a}]+/)
=> ["fox", "eagle"]

Further Reading


Using hashes

  • sometimes, it is simpler or necessary to use a hash variable to perform substitution using matched string as key
# one to one mappings
>> h = { '1' => 'one', '2' => 'two', '4' => 'four' }
=> {"1"=>"one", "2"=>"two", "4"=>"four"}
>> '9234012'.gsub(/[124]/) { h[$&] }
=> "9two3four0onetwo"
# or, simply pass hash variable as replacement argument
# if the matched text doesn't exist as a key, default value will be used
>> '9234012'.gsub(/[124]/, h)
=> "9two3four0onetwo"

# swap words
>> swap = { 'cat' => 'tiger', 'tiger' => 'cat' }
=> {"cat"=>"tiger", "tiger"=>"cat"}
# replace word if it exists as key, else leave it as is
>> 'cat tiger dog tiger cat'.gsub(/\w+/) { swap[$&] || $& }
=> "tiger cat dog cat tiger"
# or, build the alternation regexp manually for simple cases
>> 'cat tiger dog tiger cat'.gsub(/cat|tiger/, swap)
=> "tiger cat dog cat tiger"
  • if you are building an alternation list based on hash keys, sort it longest length first
>> h = { 'hand' => 1, 'handy' => 2, 'handful' => 3 }
=> {"hand"=>1, "handy"=>2, "handful"=>3}

>> 'handful hand pin handy'.gsub(Regexp.union(h.keys), h)
=> "1ful 1 pin 1y"

>> r = Regexp.union(h.keys.sort_by { |w| -w.length })
=> /handful|handy|hand/
>> 'handful hand pin handy'.gsub(r, h)
=> "3 1 pin 2"
  • left to right precedence of alternation can be exploited usefully in some cases
  • for example, to extract quoted fields with , from simpler csv strings
    • use proper csv parser if nature of input is not known
  • See also rexegg: best regex trick
>> 'foo,"10,000",baz'.split(',')
=> ["foo", "\"10", "000\"", "baz"]
# specify regexp for quoted fields first
>> 'foo,"10,000",baz'.scan(/"[^"]+"|[^,]+/)
=> ["foo", "\"10,000\"", "baz"]

# such cases are a good place to use possessive quantifiers as well
>> "42 'good bye' 123".scan(/'[^']++'|[^ ]+/)
=> ["42", "'good bye'", "123"]

\G anchor

  • \G anchors matching from start of line like \A
  • in addition, after a match is done, ending of that location is considered as the new anchor
  • this process is repeated again and continues until the given regexp fails to match
  • See also regular-expressions: Continuing at The End of The Previous Match, especially the second section that discusses about implementation detail
# all non-whitespace characters from start of string
>> '123-87-593 42 foo'.scan(/\G\S/)
=> ["1", "2", "3", "-", "8", "7", "-", "5", "9", "3"]
>> '123-87-593 42 foo'.gsub(/\G\S/, '*')
=> "********** 42 foo"

# all digits and optional - combo from start of string
>> '123-87-593 42 foo'.scan(/\G\d+-?/)
=> ["123-", "87-", "593"]
>> '123-87-593 42 foo'.gsub(/\G(\d+)(-?)/, '(\1)\2')
=> "(123)-(87)-(593) 42 foo"

# all word characters from start of string
# only if it is followed by word character
>> 'cat12 bat pin'.gsub(/\G\w(?=\w)/, '\0:')
=> "c:a:t:1:2 bat pin"

# all lowercase alphabets or space from start of string
>> 'par tar-den hen-food mood'.gsub(/\G[a-z ]/, '(\0)')
=> "(p)(a)(r)( )(t)(a)(r)-den hen-food mood"

Recursive matching

  • the \g backreferencing helps to match recursively, for ex: matching text from start to end of nested parentheses
  • since this is a complicated example, let's build it step by step
# matching one-level parentheses
# note the use of possessive quantifier
>> 'a + (b * c) - (d / e)'.scan(/\([^()]++\)/)
=> ["(b * c)", "(d / e)"]
>> '(a + (b * c) / 2) * (d / e)'.scan(/\([^()]++\)/)
=> ["(b * c)", "(d / e)"]

# matching up to two-level parentheses
# note the use of non-capturing group
>> '(a + (b * c) / 2) * (d / e)'.scan(/\((?:[^()]++|\([^()]++\))++\)/)
=> ["(a + (b * c) / 2)", "(d / e)"]
>> '3 * ((r-2)*(t+2)/6)'.scan(/\((?:[^()]++|\([^()]++\))++\)/)
=> ["((r-2)*(t+2)/6)"]

The two-level matching regexp is built by specifying the one-level regexp as part of an alternation. See the below image for illustration (courtesy regexper)

two-level parentheses matching regexp

  • by using \g<0> (i.e. calling the entire regexp) instead of one-level regexp in the alternation portion, we get recursive matching
>> '3 * ((r-2)*(t+2)/6)'.scan(/\((?:[^()]++|\g<0>)++\)/)
=> ["((r-2)*(t+2)/6)"]

>> '(3+a) * ((r-2)*(t+2)/6)'.scan(/\((?:[^()]++|\g<0>)++\)/)
=> ["(3+a)", "((r-2)*(t+2)/6)"]

>> s = '(3+a) * ((r-2)*(t+2)/6) + 42 * (a(b(c(d(e)))))'
=> "(3+a) * ((r-2)*(t+2)/6) + 42 * (a(b(c(d(e)))))"
>> s.scan(/\((?:[^()]++|\g<0>)++\)/)
=> ["(3+a)", "((r-2)*(t+2)/6)", "(a(b(c(d(e)))))"]

Substitution in conditional expression

  • recall that sub! and gsub! methods return nil if substitution fails
  • this makes them usable as part of a conditional expression
>> s = '4'
=> "4"
>> puts "#{s} apples" if s.sub!(/\d+/) { $&.to_i ** 2 }
16 apples

>> word, cnt = ['coffining', 0]
=> ["coffining", 0]
>> cnt += 1 while word.sub!(/fin/, '')
=> nil
>> [word, cnt]
=> ["cog", 2]

>> s = '421,foo,2425,42,5,foo,6,6,42'
=> "421,foo,2425,42,5,foo,6,6,42"
# similar to: s.split(',').uniq.join(',')
>> nil while s.gsub!(/(?<=\A|,)([^,]++).*\K,\1(?=,|\z)/, '')
=> nil
>> s
=> "421,foo,2425,42,5,6"


# there is an extra empty string match at end of non-empty columns
# even though * is greedy quantifier
>> ',baz,,xyz,'.gsub(/[^,]*/, '[\0]')
=> "[],[baz][],[],[xyz][],[]"

# use positive lookbehind as a workaround
>> ',baz,,xyz,'.gsub(/(?<=\A|,)[^,]*/, '[\0]')
=> "[],[baz],[],[xyz],[]"
  • don't use \K if there are consecutive matches
>> ',baz,,,xyz,'.gsub(/(?<=\A|,)[^,]*/, '[\0]')
=> "[],[baz],[],[],[xyz],[]"
>> ',baz,,,xyz,'.gsub(/(?:\A|,)\K[^,]*/, '[\0]')
=> "[],baz,[],,[xyz],[]"

>> 'abcd foobaz'.gsub(/(?<=\w)/, ':')
=> "a:b:c:d: f:o:o:b:a:z:"
>> 'abcd foobaz'.gsub(/\w/, '\0:')
=> "a:b:c:d: f:o:o:b:a:z:"
>> 'abcd foobaz'.gsub(/\w\K/, ':')
=> "a:bc:d f:oo:ba:z"
  • quantifier applied on a capture group will give you only the last match
>> '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'.sub(/^([^,]+,){3}([^,]+)/, '\1(\2)')
=> "3,(4),5,6,7"
>> '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'.sub(/^((?:[^,]+,){3})([^,]+)/, '\1(\2)')
=> "1,2,3,(4),5,6,7"

>> '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'.scan(/([^,]+,){3}/)
=> [["3,"], ["6,"]]
>> '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'.scan(/(?:[^,]+,){3}/)
=> ["1,2,3,", "4,5,6,"]
  • using \g replaces the value backreferenced by the capturing group with the new value that is matched with \g
    • similar to quantifier on capture group giving only the last match
>> d = '2008-03-24,2012-08-12 2017-06-27,2018-03-25 1999-12-23,2001-05-08'
=> "2008-03-24,2012-08-12 2017-06-27,2018-03-25 1999-12-23,2001-05-08"

# output has the value matched by \g<1> and not the capture group
>> d.scan(/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}),\g<1>/)
=> [["2012-08-12"], ["2018-03-25"], ["2001-05-08"]]

# this will retain the second date of each pair
>> d.gsub(/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}),\g<1>/, '\1')
=> "2012-08-12 2018-03-25 2001-05-08"
# this will retain the first date of each pair
>> d.gsub(/((\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})),\g<2>/, '\1')
=> "2008-03-24 2017-06-27 1999-12-23"

Further Reading

Note that most of these resources are not specific to Ruby, so use them with caution and check if they apply to Ruby's syntax and features

results matching ""

    No results matching ""