Visual Mode

Visual mode is used to edit text by selecting them first
Selection can either be done using mouse or using visual commands


  • v start visual selection, use any movement command to complete selection
    • ve, vip, v) etc
  • V visually select current line
    • Vgg, ggVG etc
  • Ctrl+v visually select column(s)
    • Ctrl+v3j2l to select a 4x3 block, etc


  • d delete the selected text
  • c clear the selected text and change to Insert mode
    • for visually selected column, after c type any text and press Esc key. The typed text will be repeated across all lines
  • I after selecting with Ctrl+v, press I, type text and press Esc key to replicate text across all lines to left of the selected column
  • A after selecting with Ctrl+v, press A, type text and press Esc key to replicate text across all lines to right of the selected column
  • ra replace every character of the selected text with a
  • : perform Command Line mode editing commands like g,s,!,normal on selected text
  • J join selected lines with space character in between
  • gJ join selected lines without any character in between
  • :h visual-operators for more info


  • > indent the visually selected lines
  • 3> indent the visually selected lines three times
  • < unindent the visually selected lines
  • = indent code, taking care of nesting too. Example below
  • vip= to indent the code

Changing Case

  • ~ invert the case of visually selected text, i.e lowercase becomes uppercase and vice versa
  • U change visually selected text to UPPERCASE
  • u change visually selected text to lowercase

Further Reading

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