Regular Expressions
- Flags for Search and Replace
- Pattern atom
- Pattern Qualifiers
- Character Classes
- Multiple and Saving Patterns
- Word Boundary
- Search Pattern modifiers
- Changing Case using Search and Replace
- Delimiters in Search and Replace
- Further Reading
Flags for Search and Replace
replace all occurrences within linec
ask for confirmation before each replacementi
ignore case for searchpatternI
don't ignore case for searchpattern
Flags can be combined
replace every occurrence of cat (ignoring case, so it matches Cat, cAt, etc) with Dog (note thati
doesn't affect the replacement string Dog)
For more info, :h :s_flags
Pattern atom
start matching from beginning of a line/^This
match This only at beginning of line
match pattern should terminate at end of a line/)$
match ) only at end of line/^$
match empty line
match any single character, excluding new line/c.t
match 'cat' or 'cot' or 'c2t' or 'c^t' but not 'cant'
For more info, :h pattern-atoms
Pattern Qualifiers
greedy match preceding character 0 or more times/abc*
match 'ab' or 'abc' or 'abccc' or 'abcccccc' etc
greedy match preceding character 1 or more times/abc\+
match 'abc' or 'abccc' but not 'ab'
match preceding character 0 or 1 times (\=
can also be used)/abc\?
match 'ab' or 'abc' but not 'abcc'
non-greedy match preceding character 0 or more times- Consider this line of text 'This is a sample text'
will match: 'his'/h.*s
will match: 'his is a s'- Read more on non-greedy matching
greedy match preceding character min to max times (including min and max)- min or max can be left unspecified as they default to 0 and infinity respectively
- greedy match, tries to match as much as possible
non-greedy match, tries to match as less as possible\{number}
match exactly with specified number/c\{5}
match exactly 'ccccc'
For more info, :h pattern-overview
Character Classes
match any of 'a' or 'b' or 'c' or 'd' or 'e' ONE time- use
as shortform
- use
match any character other than 'a' or 'b' or 'c' or 'd' or 'e'- use
as shortform
- use
match vowel character[^aeiou]
match consonant character\a
matches alphabet character, short-cut for[a-zA-Z]
matches other than alphabet[^a-zA-Z]
matches lowercase alphabets[a-z]
matches other than lowercase alphabets[^a-z]
matches uppercase alphabets[A-Z]
matches other than uppercase alphabets[^A-Z]
matches digit character[0-9]
matches other than digit[^0-9]
matches hexademical character[0-9a-fA-F]
matches other than hexademical[^0-9a-fA-F]
matches any alphanumeric character or underscore[a-zA-Z0-9_]
match other than alphanumeric character or underscore[^a-zA-Z0-9_]
matches white-space characters space and tab\S
matches other than white-space characters\t
used in replacestring to insert a Tab character\r
used in replacestring to insert a newline character
For more info, :h /character-classes
Multiple and Saving Patterns
allows to specify two or more patterns to be matched/min\|max
match 'min' or 'max'
allows to group matched patterns and use special variables\1
, etc to represent them in same searchpattern and/or replacestring when using substitute command/hand\(y\|ful\)
match 'handy' or 'handful'/\(\a\)\1
match repeated alphabets
Word Boundary
Bind the searchpattern to necessarily be starting characters of a word/\<his
matches 'his' and 'history' but not 'this'
Bind the searchpattern to necessarily be ending characters of a word/his\>
matches 'his' and 'this' but not 'history'
Bind the searchpattern to exactly match whole word/\<his\>
matches 'his' and not 'this' or 'history'
Search Pattern modifiers
helps to avoid\
for pattern qualifiers, grouping pattern, etc/\vc{5}
match exactly 'ccccc'/\vabc+
match 'abc' or 'abccc' but not 'ab'/\vabc?
match 'ab' or 'abc' but not 'abcc'/\v<his>
match whole word 'his', not 'this' or 'history'/\vmin|max
match 'min' or 'max'/\vhand(y|ful)
match 'handy' or 'handful'/\v(\a)\1
match repeated alphabetss/\v(\d+) (\d+)/\2 \1/
swap two numbers separated by space
no need to use\
when trying to match special characters/V^.*$
match the exact sequence ^.*$
case insensitive search/\cthis
matches 'this', 'This', 'thiS', etc
case sensitive search/\Cthis
match exactly 'this', not 'This', 'thiS', etc
only inside visually selected areas/\%Vcat/dog/g
replace 'cat' with 'dog' only in visually selected region
For more info
Changing Case using Search and Replace
These are used in the replacestring section
uppercases the next character\U
UPPERCASES the following characters\l
are equivalent for lowercase- use
to end further case changes
:% s/\v(\a+)/\u\1/g
will Capitalize all the words in current file (i.e only first character of word is capitalized):% s/\v(\a+)/\U\1/g
will change to all letters to UPPERCASE in current file:% s/\v(\w)_(\a+)/\1\u\2/g
change variable_name to camelCase- for ex: 'min_max' will change to 'minMax', 'array_sum' will change to 'arraySum' and so on
- Changing case with regular expressions
Delimiters in Search and Replace
One can also use other characters like #^$
instead of /
:% s#/project/adder/#/verilog/project/high_speed_adder/#g
this avoids mess of having to use\/
for every/
Further Reading
:h regular-expression
- vimregex
- What does this regex mean?