Regular Expressions
Regular expression look-up tables
Special characters |
Description |
^ |
anchor, match from beginning of string |
$ |
anchor, match end of string |
. |
Match any character except newline character \n |
| |
OR operator for matching multiple patterns |
() |
for grouping patterns and also extraction |
[] |
Character class to match one character among many |
\^ |
use \ to match special characters like ^ |
Quantifiers |
Description |
* |
Match zero or more times the preceding character |
+ |
Match one or more times the preceding character |
? |
Match zero or one times the preceding character |
{n} |
Match exactly n times |
{n,} |
Match atleast n times |
{n,m} |
Match atleast n times but not more than m times |
Character classes |
Description |
[aeiou] |
Match any vowel |
[^aeiou] |
^ inverts selection, so this matches any consonant |
[a-f] |
Match any of abcdef character |
\d |
Match a digit, same as [0-9] |
\D |
Match non-digit, same as [^0-9] or [^\d] |
\w |
Match alphanumeric and underscore character, same as [a-zA-Z_] |
\W |
Match non-alphanumeric and underscore character, same as [^a-zA-Z_] or [^\w] |
\s |
Match white-space character, same as [\ \t\r\n\f] |
\S |
Match non white-space character, same as [^\s] |
\t |
Match horizontal tab character |
\h |
Match horizontal space characters |
\H |
Match other than horizontal space characters |
Miscellaneous |
Description |
\b |
word boundary |
\B |
not a word boundary |
\U |
uppercases pattern until end of string or \L or \E |
\L |
lowercases pattern until end of string or \U or \E |
\u |
uppercases only next character |
\l |
lowercases only next character |
\Q |
quote metacharacters until end of string or \E |
\E |
terminate case conversion or quoted section |
\u \U \l \L \Q \E
will work in any double quoted strings
- example:
$book = "\uelantris"
is equivalent to $book = "Elantris"
Modifier |
Description |
g |
global, match all patterns in string, not just the first |
i |
Ignore case |
m |
multiline mode, ^ and $ anchors work on internal lines |
s |
singleline mode, . will also match \n |
e |
evaluate replacement string as an expression |
r |
return substituted string without modifying the variable |
Variable |
Description |
$1, $2, $3 etc |
Matched patterns grouped inside () |
\1, \2, \3 etc |
backreferencing while defining match pattern |
$` |
String before matched pattern |
$& |
Matched pattern |
$' |
String after matched pattern |
Pattern matching and extraction
use strict;
use warnings;
my $string = "This is a sample string";
print "\$string: $string\n\n";
print "\$string has the pattern 'is'\n" if($string =~ m/is/);
print "\$string does not have the pattern 'this'\n" if($string !~ m/this/);
print "\$string has the pattern 'this' when matching case-insensitively\n\n" if($string =~ m/this/i);
if($string =~ m/\bis/)
print "Pattern specified: '\\bis'\n";
print "String before matched pattern: '$`'\n";
print "String matching pattern: '$&'\n";
print "String after matched pattern: '$''\n\n";
my ($word1) = $string =~ m/(s[a-z]*e)/i;
print "Word starting with 's' and ending with 'e': $word1\n";
my (@all_words) = $string =~ m/([a-z]+)/gi;
print "All words in \$string: ";
print "'$_' " foreach(@all_words);
print "\n\n";
my $match_output = $string =~ m/is/;
print "Output when pattern matches: '$match_output'\n";
$match_output = $string =~ m/line/;
print "Output when pattern does not match: '$match_output'\n";
- General syntax for pattern matching:
$var =~ m
portion of the syntax can be ignored if matching against $_
- logically invert match pattern, use:
- when pattern doesn't match,
value is returned which acts as a logical false condition
$ ./
$string: This is a sample string
$string has the pattern 'is'
$string does not have the pattern 'this'
$string has the pattern 'this' when matching case-insensitively
Pattern specified: '\bis'
String before matched pattern: 'This '
String matching pattern: 'is'
String after matched pattern: ' a sample string'
Word starting with 's' and ending with 'e': sample
All words in $string: 'This' 'is' 'a' 'sample' 'string'
Output when pattern matches: '1'
Output when pattern does not match: ''
Transliteration operator
use strict;
use warnings;
my $greeting = '===== Have a great day =====';
$greeting =~ tr/=/*/;
print "$greeting\n";
my $lose = "Don't loose hope :)";
$lose =~ tr/a-zA-Z//s;
print "$lose\n";
my $sentence = "Th'i1s is34 a; senten6#ce";
$sentence =~ tr/a-zA-Z //cd;
print "$sentence\n";
my $lowercase_quote = $uppercase_quote =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/r;
print "$lowercase_quote\n";
my $mixed_str = 'He has 5 cricket bats, 2 sets of stumps and a glove set';
my $letter_cnt = $mixed_str =~ tr/a-zA-Z//;
my $digit_cnt = $mixed_str =~ tr/0-9//;
print "\$mixed_str: $mixed_str\n";
print "\$mixed_str has $letter_cnt letters and $digit_cnt digits\n";
- General syntax for transliteration:
$var =~
portion of the syntax can be ignored for $_
works by replacing SEARCHLIST by corresponding character in REPLACEMENTLIST
- for modifiers
and s
doesn't allow regular expression elements other than the range operator (ex: 0-9
, a-f
, etc)
$ ./
***** Have a great day *****
Don't lose hope :)
This is a sentence
simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
$mixed_str: He has 5 cricket bats, 2 sets of stumps and a glove set
$mixed_str has 40 letters and 2 digits
Search and Replace
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str = 'sample string';
$str =~ s/sample/test/;
print "simple replace: $str\n";
my $date = '25/04/2016';
$date =~ s|/|-|g;
print "using different delimiter: $date\n";
# use \ when you need to match special characters
my $greeting = '***** Have a great day *****';
$greeting =~ s/\*/=/g;
print "replacing special character: $greeting\n";
my $words = 'night and day';
$words =~ s/(\w+)( and )(\w+)/$3$2$1/;
print "swapping words: $words\n\n";
my $sentence = 'thIs iS a saMple StrIng';
print "\$sentence: $sentence\n";
$sentence =~ s/^([a-z])(.*)/\U$1\L$2/;
print "Changing case: $sentence\n\n";
my $numbers = '34 28 91 42 5';
print "\$numbers: $numbers\n";
$numbers =~ s/(\d+)/$1%5/ge;
print "numbers%5: $numbers\n\n";
$numbers = '1 2 3 4 5';
my $numbers_factorial = $numbers =~ s/(\d+)/num_fact($1)/ger;
print "\$numbers: $numbers\n";
print "numbers!: $numbers_factorial\n\n";
sub num_fact
my ($num) = @_;
return ($num == 0) ? 1 : $num * num_fact($num - 1);
my $line = 'Can you spot the the mistakes? I i seem to not';
print "\$line: $line\n";
$line =~ s/\b(\w+) \1/$1/gi;
print "corrected: $line\n";
- General syntax:
$var =~
portion of the syntax can be ignored for $_
$ ./
simple replace: test string
using different delimiter: 25-04-2016
replacing special character: ===== Have a great day =====
swapping words: day and night
$sentence: thIs iS a saMple StrIng
Changing case: This is a sample string
$numbers: 34 28 91 42 5
numbers%5: 4 3 1 2 0
$numbers: 1 2 3 4 5
numbers!: 1 2 6 24 120
$line: Can you spot the the mistakes? I i seem to not
corrected: Can you spot the mistakes? I seem to not
use strict;
use warnings;
my $string = 'This is a sample string';
my @words = split /\s+/, $string;
print "\$string: $string\n";
print "words: ".join(', ', @words)."\n\n";
my @letters = split //, $words[0];
print "splitting '$words[0]' into letters: @letters\n";
my $data = 'Rahul : 75 : 68 : 90';
my @columns = split /(\W+)/, $data;
print "\$data: $data\n";
print "columns: ";
print "'$_' " foreach(@columns);
print "\n\n";
my $info = '46 ways to publish a novel';
my @info_split = split /\s+/, $info, 2;
print "\$info: $info\n";
print "\$info_split[0] = $info_split[0]\n";
print "\$info_split[1] = $info_split[1]\n";
- General syntax for split:
@output_var = split /PATTERN/, $var[, count]
, $var[, count]
part of syntax can be ignored for $_
$ ./
$string: This is a sample string
words: This, is, a, sample, string
splitting 'This' into letters: T h i s
$data: Rahul : 75 : 68 : 90
columns: 'Rahul' ' : ' '75' ' : ' '68' ' : ' '90'
$info: 46 ways to publish a novel
$info_split[0] = 46
$info_split[1] = ways to publish a novel
Further Reading