
Table of Contents

From wikipedia

Perl is a family of high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages. The languages in this family include Perl 5 and Perl 6

Larry Wall wrote the language as a general purpose scripting language, borrowing features from C, shell scripting, awk, sed, grep, cut, sort etc

It is quite easy to learn, especially if one is already familiar with programming and/or shell scripting. Perl's easy to use and flexible syntax is both a boon and a curse. There's a running joke that Perl programs look the same before and after encryption, so we'll try to stick to a readable and consistent style over smart tricks in this introductory guide


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Hello World example

Let's start with simple a Perl program and how to run it


print "Hello World\n";

The first line has two parts

  • /usr/bin/perl is the path of Perl interpreter
  • #! called the shebang), directs the program loader to use the interpreter path provided

The third line prints the message Hello World with a \n character to print newline after the message

Running Perl program

You can write the program using text editor like gedit, vim etc

After saving the file, give execute permission and run the program from a terminal

$ chmod +x

$ ./ 
Hello World

To find out Perl path and Perl version in your system

$ type perl
perl is /usr/bin/perl

$ perl -v
This is perl 5, version 22, subversion 1 (v5.22.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
(with 44 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

Further Reading

Using strict and warnings pragmas

To avoid common mistakes and typos, it is helpful to always include these two pragmas

1) strict

use strict;

print "Printing < $uninitialized > variable\n";

Let's see what happens when we try to execute this program:

$ ./
Global symbol "$uninitialized" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $uninitialized"?) at perl_programs/ line 4.
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.

2) warnings

use warnings;

print "\n----------------------------------------\n";
print "Printing < $uninitialized > variable\n";
print "----------------------------------------\n";

warnings pragma as the name suggests, gives various types of warnings and also has settings to control which warnings to give, raise to fatal, etc

$ ./
Name "main::uninitialized" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 5.

Use of uninitialized value $uninitialized in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line 5.
Printing <  > variable

Further Reading


  • Short programs can be directly supplied to perl command using -e option instead of using code written in a file
    • perl -e is often used as an alternate to sed/awk for one-liners
$ perl -e 'print "Hello Perl\n"'
Hello Perl

$ perl -le 'print 25**12'
  • Perl doesn't come with REPL(interactive session for exploring, testing, etc) unlike languages like Python.
  • However, one could workaround using debugger command line option along with -e
$ # Note: only relevant details will be shown while using perl -de0
$ # spacing is adjusted to allow better context
$ # use 'h' or 'h h' command to get help
$ # 'p' command is like print, useful to print value of variable/expression
$ # use 'q' to exit the debugger
$ perl -de0

DB<1> print "Hello Perl\n"
Hello Perl

DB<2> $x = 512
DB<4> p $x * 2

DB<5> q

Further Reading

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